Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed has funded or acquired funding from others for preparation of the reports listed in this bibliography. Reports can be downloaded by clicking on the links that follow the citation.
Listed immediately below are position papers on specific issues that the board of Friends has adopted.
DredgingPolicy.pdf (2002)
Policy on Integrated Pest Management to Control Invasive Plants.pdf(2013)
PlayingFieldPolicy.pdf (2008)
RossValleyWatershedPolicy.pdf (2007)
FCMCW ConflictofInterestPolicy.pdf(2019)
FCMCW WhistleblowerPolicy.pdf(2019)
A. A. Rich and Associates. 2000.
Fishery Resources Conditions of the Corte Madera Creek Watershed, Marin County, California.
FisheriesES.pdf (52 KB)
AARich.pdf (13.8 MB)
California Regional Water Quality Control Board c. 1993
Corte Madera Watershed Resource Evaluation and Information Report.
CorteMaderaWatershedResourceEvaluation.pdf(1 MB)
Epke, Gerhard. 2010.
Pilot Project Ross Valley Watershed GIS Database.
Prepared under the supervision of Matt Smeltzer, GeomorphDESIGN. August 30, 2010.
Epke_2010.pdf (1 MB)
Fluvial Geomorphology Consulting. 2007a.
Summary Report of 2006 Unit 4 Design Alternatives.
Prepared for Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed with funding from the Marin County Flood Control District and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation by Matt Smeltzer, with assistance from Sandra Guldman. February 2, 2007.
Unit4DesignSummary.pdf (1.2 MB)
Fluvial Geomorphology Consulting. 2007b.
Prospects for Improving Riparian Canopy and Physical Habitat for Fish on Ross Creek: Geomorphic Reconnaissance Report.
Prepared for Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed by Matt Smeltzer. March 7 2, 2007.
RossCreekRecon.pdf (1 MB)
Fluvial Geomorphology Consulting and Stetson Engineers. 2006.
Corte Madera Creek Flood Control Project Unit 4 Design Alternatives. Prepared for Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation by Fluvial Geomorphology Consulting (Matt Smeltzer) and Stetson Engineers (Joe DeMaggio). October 31, 2006.
Unit4DesignMemo.pdf (2.2 MB)
AppendixA.pdf (1.7 MB)
AppendixBpart1.pdf (3.3 MB)
AppendixBpart2.pdf (4.4 MB)
AppendixCplate1.pdf (2.2 MB)
AppendixCplate2.pdf (12.1 MB)
AppendixD.pdf (172 KB)
Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed. 2011.
Iron and Manganese Levels in Ross Creek, Summer 2011
Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed. 2005.
Planting at College of Marin Ecology Study Area
Work was funded from Marin Municipal Water District’s Willis Evans Watershed Habitat Improvement Grant Program to remove invasive non-natives and plant native plants at the College of Marin’s Ecology Study Area.
ESAPlantingReport.pdf (490 KB)
Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed. 1996.
A Survey of the Creeks of San Anselmo
A survey of vegetation and creek conditions along the lengths of all the creeks within San Anselmo, by Charles Kennard and John Walters.
SanAnselmoCreeksSurvey.pdf (165 KB)
Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed. 2019
2019 Water Quality Report July 30, 2020
Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed. 2021
2020 Water Quality Report
Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed. 2021
Geomorph Design Group. 2020
Lower College of Marin Corte Madera Creek Restoration Project
LowerCOMHundredPercentDesignBasis Report20220131Reduced
Lenarz, William H. 2005.
Survey of egrets and herons using College of Marin Ecology Study Area and adjacent slough
Prepared for Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed. April 8, 2005.
LenarzESABirdReport2005 (700 KB)
Michael Love & Associates. 2006a.
Preliminary Fish Ladder Design for Unit3/Unit 4 Transition in Corte Madera Creek, Ross, California
Prepared for Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. May 30, 2006.
FishwayUnit3Unit4.pdf (1.7 MB)
Michael Love & Associates. 2006b.
Fish Ladder Alternatives for Pastori Avenue at San Anselmo Creek, Fairfax, California.
Prepared for Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. May 31, 2006.
PastoriFishLadderAlts.pdf (2.8 MB)
Michael Love & Associates. 2006c.
Fish Ladder Alternatives for Saunders Avenue at San Anselmo Creek, San Anselmo, California.
Prepared for Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. June 1, 2006.
SaundersFishLadderAlts.pdf (1.8 MB)
Michael Love & Associates and Jeff Anderson and Associates. 2007.
Corte Madera Creek Flood Control Channel Fish Passage Assessment and Alternatives Analysis.
Prepared for Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. September 2007.
Unit3FinalReport.pdf (13.8 MB)
Michael Love & Associates and Stetson Engineers. 2009.
Saunders Roughened Channel and Sewer Conceptual Design.
Saunders Roughened Channel and Sewer Conceptual Design (2.47 MB)
Olofson Environmental Inc.
These are required annual revegetation monitoring reports, submitted by Marin County Parks.
Ross Taylor and Associates. 2006.
Corte Madera Creek Stream Crossing Inventory and Fish Passage Evaluation.
Prepared for Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. 54 pp and appendices.
BarriersReportandAppendices (1.6 MB)
StreamXingCatalogFAIRFAXCK (2.4 MB)
StreamXingCatalogROSSCK (1.9 MB)
StreamXingCatalogSANANSELMOCK (3.5 MB)
StreamXingCatalogSLEEPYHOLLOWCK (5.6 MB)
Stetson Engineers. 2000.
Geomorphic Assessment of the Corte Madera Creek Watershed, Marin County, California.
Prepared for the Marin County Flood Control District and Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed by Stetson Engineers (Matt Smeltzer and James Reilly) with David Dawdy, San Rafael, California. December 31, 2000.
GeomorphES-copy (56 KB)
Geomorph (3.7 MB)
GeomorphAppendices (4 MB)
Stetson Engineers, Fluvial Geomorphology Consulting, and Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed. 2006.
A Framework for Developing Effective Management Solutions to Flooding in the Ross Valley Using Hydraulic Modeling
San Rafael, California, April 2006. 30 pp and 1 plate.
Framework (900 KB)
Stetson Engineers. 2010.
Saunders Bridge Conceptual Design.
SaundersNewBridge (328KB)