An Archive of Selected Earlier Articles (.pdf format)
Caring for the Watershed
Adventures in Garbage (2003) (44k)
Another Scoop on Pollution (2004) (48k)
The Art of Erosion Control (2005) (60k)
Bacteria in Our Creeks (2012) (180k)
Best Practices for Riparian Corridors(2022)
Biodiversity Gets a Boost in Larkspur(2024)
Biodiversity Needs You(2023)
Buying Native Plants (2008) (277k)
Cape Ivy (2006) (91k)
California Coastal Cleanup (2005) (56k)
Come On In the Water’sOK! (2021)
Closed for Restoration (2010) (138k)
Concrete Action to Clean to Creek (2018)
Concrete Debris in the Creek (2016)
Corte Madera Creek’s (Almost) Invisible Invasives (2016)
Creek Bank Restoration and Repair (2006) (291k)
Creek Consciousness (2002) (24k)
Creek Revitalization: Back to Bacich (2006) (305k)
Dealing with Creek Bank Erosion (2017)
The Dirt on Hal Brown Park (2018)
DO or Die, Dissolved Oxygen Testing in Ross Creek (2020)
Docks and Ducks (2024)
Drinking Water Releases into the Creek (2008) (148k)
Drones:Asset or Menace? (2019)
Fields of Plastic are Not the Answer (2022)
Fire Road and Trail Maintenance (2004) (96k)
Firewise Landscaping with California Natives (2020)
Fish out of Water, a video for children. Produced by Gina Farr. visit
Geese on the Loose (2007) (117k)
Good Neighbor on Olema Road (2007) (96k)
Green Infrastructure for Dealing with Stormwater (2022)
A Growing Concern (2011) (281k)
A Gray Area (2014) (281k)
The Hiddden Reservoir (2009) (172k)
How to Save Water and Money in Your Yard (2021)
Invasive Bullfrog Population Explosion (2010) (136k)
Iron and Manganese in Upper Ross Creek (2012) (173k)
The Latest on Water Quality Testing (2006) (135k)
Looking Down the Well (2015)
Native Plants in Your FireSmart Landscaping (2023)
Nine years Fighting Invasive Cordgrasses (2012) (350k)
One Giant Step for Man: One Giant Leap for Steelhead (2013) (228k)
Pesticide Update (2016)
The Problem with Paving the Planet (2021)
Rain Gardens (2014) (163k)
Rainwater and Greywater (2009) (163k)
Restoration for People and Planet (2023)
Restoring the College of Marin’s Ecology Study Area (2003) (56k)
Reward of the Creek Restorer (2007) (12k)
A Sampler of Bad News Barriers (2006) (339k)
Sewer Spills in Corte Madera Creek (2004) (16k)
Stymied Steelhead (2019)
Sweeping the Watershed (2005) (68k)
Talking Trash (2017)
The Travails of a Creekside Homeowner(2022)
Water’s Journey from Sky to Creek (2003) (72k)
This Summer’s Scoop on Water Quality Testing (2007) (44k)
Watershed Education is Alive and Thriving (2001) (57k)
Water Quality Monitoring Expands (2012) (109k)
Water Quality Testing 2004 (2005) (20k)
Water Supply in the Corte Madera Creek Watershed (2019)
What in the World is the Corte Madera Creek Watershed (1995) (17k)
What is That Thing in the Creek? (2013) (93k)
What Not to Plant (2018)
What’s Green About Green Infrastructure? (2017) (65k)
What is That Floating Down the Creek (2007) (65k)
Where Have All the Fishes Gone? (2012) (199k)
Ecology and Wildlife
American White Pelicans Splash Down in Corte Madera (2021)
Anatomy of a Creek (2015)
Bald Eagles (2019)
Basking on a Log (2005) (71k)
Big Fish (2005) (48k)
Big Fish on the Move (2022)
Birds in Our Watershed (2001) (27k)
Call of the Wild – The Creeks of San Anselmo (1996) (44k)
Corte Madera Creek’s Most Threatened Bird (1996) (59k)
The Corte Madera Marshes (2008) (1195k)
Creekside Park Walk (2001) (17k)
Creek Viewing in the Lower Watershed (2013) (560k)
Creek Viewing in Mid Ross Valley (2013) (264k)
Creek Viewing in the Upper Ross Valley (2012) (332k)
Discordgrass (2001) (52k)
Excitable Neighbors: Squirrels of the Watershed (2010) (169k)
Fish Report 2008 (2009) (188k)
Gary Leo’s Backyard Photos (2010) (210k)
Getting Rid of a Green Invader (2006) (284k)
Insect Waterworld (2013) (179k)
Joys of Observing the Natural World (2023)
A Fish’s Life (2008) (191k)
The Grey Willow in Marin (2007) (328k)
Habitat Mosaics of Corte Madera Creek Watershed (2015)
Hominid Meets Salmonid (2014) (328k)
If Conditions are Right, They will Come (1997) (17k)
It’s an eel! It’s a whale! No! – it’s a river otter! (2000) (16k)
Life and Tines of the Threespine Stickleback (2023)
The MAGC Bridge Between Gardening and Environmentalism (2004) (73k)
Mount Tamalpais: Diversity Paradise (2013) (143k)
Oaks – A Smorgasbord for Wildlife (2002) (17k)
The Otters Return (2013) (160k)
Observing Fish in Corte Madera Creek (1998) (45k)
Parker Pringle, Fishwatcher (2009) (125k)
Parker’s Creek Diary (2010) (175k)
A Parliament of Owls (2006) (112k)
Pass the (California) Roach (2022)
Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly (2021)
A Quasi-Nature Walk through the Corte Madera Creek Marshes (2003) (62k)
River Otters in the Spotlight (2015)
Saving Steelhead in the Corte Madera Creek Watershed (2000) (27k)
The Scoop on Mosquitoes (2024)
Sea Otters in Marin (2017) (27k)
Stalking the Slough at the Ecology Study Area (2004) (37k)
Stopped in Her Tracks by a Dam (2003) (25k)
Surfing Daydream (2022)
Touring the Sorich Creek Watershed (2013) (184k)
Valley Oak – Our Heritage Tree (2002) (65k)
Walk Softly and Carry a Big Tail (2014) (82k)
What’s the Buzz (2023)
Wild Families of the Watershed (2009) (183k)
Wonderful Wooducks (2009) (155k)
Woodpeckers of the Watershed (2011) (301k)
Historical Perspectives
Birding on Campus in 1940 (2019) (39k)
A Creek Runs Through it – Larkspur (2001) (39k)
A Trip on Corte Madera Creek (1997) (174k)
An Inside View of Corte Madera Creek Watershed (1996) (18k)
Eleanor Jean’s Life along the Creek (2004) (144k)
Fairfax Creek – Conversation with Lou Vaccaro (1998) (16k)
A Fine Line: Fisherman Keith Fraser (2012) (143k)
Growing up in Greenbrae (2005) (95k)
Heerdt Marsh (2014) (238k)
The History of Corte Madera Creek, a filmed presentation by Laurel Collins (2011). Visit:
Lavaroni Recalls Summers on San Anselmo Creek (2004) (47k)
Looking Back on the Ross Valley (2003) (13k)
Meanderings in History (2007) (736k)
Miwok Sites in the Corte Madera Creek Watershed (1998) (71k)
Of Fish and Men – Willis Evans’ Life of Dedication to Fisheries (2000) (38k)
Plant Uses of the Coast Miwok (1999) (317k)
A Native Basketry Garden in Ross (2020)
People’s Park in the Ross Valley (2021)
A Point in Time, The San Quentin Peninsula (2019)
Raising Phoenix (2002) (45k)
RIP Ross Bridge (2010) (191k)
The Tragedy of Ross Common (2019)
The Twists and Turns of History (2002) (45k)
Watershed Planning
680 Trail (2011) (360k)
Bald Hill Saved from Development (2023)
A Better Way to Accommodate Floodwater in Kentfield (2017)
Big Plans for the City of Larkspur (2001) (39k)
Bridge Projects of Marin (2019)
Clearing the Bottleneck to Flood Protection (2016)
Contention Basin (2016) (69k)
Did Phoenix Lake Avert Flooding (2022)
Down in the Dumps (2024)
The End of the Tunnel (2024)
Corte Madera Creek Flood Control Project Outlives Energizer Bunny (1999) (69k)
Corte Madera Creek Flood Risk Management Project (2020)
County Planners Working on Stream Protection Ordinance (2003) (35k)
Flood Control – An Environmental Perspective (2000) (17k)
Flood Control Project Sandbagged (2003) (16k)
Flood Mitigation Hits Obstructions (2008) (288k)
Flooding: The Current Situation (2006) (13k)
Flooding and the Ross Valley Watershed Program (2007) (18k)
Flooding in Ross Valley:Time is Running Out (2018)
The Future of County Trails (2016) (18k)
Helping Fish Move up San Anselmo Creek (2010) (180k)
High Tides, Flooding and Dredging (2016)
Incarcerated Creeks (2008) (391k)
Just Say No to Corps Plan – Watershed-wide Solution Needed (2000) (13k)
Local Creek Setbacks Generally Ineffective (2003) (16k)
Land Sculpture (2021)
MMWD Rolls Out Tank Proposal (2015)
New Technologies Being Used to Study Erosion of Corte Madera Marshes (2019)
New Culvert at Hal Brown Park at Creekside (2013) (139k)
No Easy Way for the Kentfield Forcemain (2009) (188k)
Passage of San Anselmo’s Measure F: Gain or Loss? (2024)
Phoenix Lake – Bon Tempe Connection Project (2024)
Protecting Rare Frogs (2021)
The Ross Valley Floods! (2015)
Ross Valley Watershed Program Update (2014) (328k)
Protection for the Creek and Bay (2001) (43k)
Ross Valley Flood Protection and Watershed Program (2010) (124k)
Ross Valley Watershed Program (2018)
San Anselmo Flood Risk Reduction Project (2020)
Sea Level is Rising (2014) (271k)
Some Progress on the Ross Valley Watershed Program (2017)
Studies Point the Way Ahead (2000) (13k)
San Anselmo Creek Fish Passage Projects (2009) (148k)
A Sea Change:Consequences of Sea Level Rise (2017)
Stream Conservation Area (2014) (154k)
Two Major Wildfire Risk Reduction Projects Underway in Ross Valley (2024)
Up the Concrete Channel, One Pool at a Time (2008) (359k)
Vegetation Management on Mount Tamalpais (2019)
Vegetation Management Plan Delays(2017)
Wading into Wetland Mitigation (2002) (17k)
Where Will All That Water Go? (2019) (17k)
What is the Future of Our Wild Lands? (2016)
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